Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The State I'm In

I live in a constant state of chaos.  My husband can testify to that fact, but my house can actually prove it.
 This past weekend Josh officiated the wedding of two dear friends, it was an adults only kind of affair.  Therefore, this day was super-wonderful for oh so many reasons!  I love me an outdoor wedding in the fall, I have a major crush on the pastor man conducting the service, and my precious goons are happily spending the day with Nana and Papa.  Let the good times roll!
We dropped the kids off an extra hour early.  Just enough time to tidy the house...not.  Oh, it needed cleaned, but when you have an hour without the kids, things happen.  Delightful things!  So, when the time came to dash off to the wedding, out the door we went without another thought to the sloppy state in which we left the house.  In fact, I didn't think about it again until 8:30 that night.
After we had enough fun at the reception, we promptly drove to Nana's house to collect the kids.  But when we arrived, nobody was home.  They had gone to our house...our embarrassingly messy house.  It was quite a wreck.  The counter tops littered with dishes and papers, the floors desperately craving the caress of a  broom.  But the real head-hanger was the fact that I had left a certain little black number draped over the bathroom doorknob.  
Being the wonderful babysitters that they are, Nana and Papa forged past clutter and marched all three of my kids right up to the bathtub.  Perhaps a slim possibility existed that the negligee could have gone unnoticed by my in-laws, but dear sweet Isaac spied it and  proudly held it up for Papa to see while announcing, "I like this thing!  It feels nice."  
(Remind me to thank him for that in 20 years.) 

It never seems to fail that when my house is at its worst unexpected guests arrive.  It's because I am a terrible procrastinator.  That's why I live in such a chaotic state.  It is a rare and wonderful thing when I am actually prepared for something.  I like things to be just perfect, but I don't have the time for perfect.  I have plenty of time for procrastination though!  Procrastinators, like myself, know that perfection isn't likely, so we will take our time and thoroughly enjoy the journey to less-than-perfect.  
I am so thankful that God doesn't expect me to be perfect...but he does want me to be prepared.  There will be a day when Jesus comes back, and he's likely to arrive when I least expect it.  I'm ready though.  Are you?  Because a God, who is perfect, doesn't procrastinate!  He's coming...and I'm letting him in even if there is lingerie over the bathroom door!

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