Now, I'm no Bob Vila, and neither is Josh. Just about everything we have improved has first been made worse in our attempts to better it. We are trial by error learners when it comes to construction. So, it was by no surprise that when it came to refinishing the stairs, we were once again over our heads. The risers were destroyed by a million nail holes left from carpet runners and an old chair lift that had once been installed. Deep gashes also marred the surface and layers of paint were pealing with age. A proper fix would have taken hours of tedious work that would likely be ruined again by our own foot traffic.
I decided to "fake-a-fix". With a stroke of genius I purchased a remnant of shag carpet from Lowes, along with a box of carpet tacks. And though Josh was skeptical, I went right to work measuring the risers and cutting the carpet with a utility knife. Then with the tacks I nailed each piece into position. Presto!
The long shag conceals the tacks and actually reduces noise. It looks nice and only cost me $15. How's that for super-awesomeness?!
So, what have we learned today?
Not all shag carpet is evil...and Josh should never doubt my brilliance.
Class dismissed.
They do look good! You are awesome... however, you do not give yourself enough credit with cooking. We have shared many a meal with you, so I know you can cook. You make the best lasagna.