Thursday, August 30, 2012

Public Display of Affliction

So, I want to share a story with you.  Partly because it's a dandy story and partly because I think I need to see it in writing to actually believe it .  Although the scene has been replaying itself in my head for hours I still can't seem to wrap my mind around it.  It's just that surreal to me.

Yesterday morning I decided to go shopping at the local Goodwill Store.  Like usual, I had my trusty sidekicks with me, Isaac and Piper.  Now, shopping is not exactly Isaac's favorite thing to do, but he is happy to tag along if I allow him to play beneath the clothes racks while I peruse affordable fashions.  Piper could care less and is simply amused by the florescent lights.  As for me, I'm content as long as I don't have to pay more than two bucks for a t-shirt. 
As we entered the store I quickly wrangled up a cart.  It was small and could only accommodate Piper since she was still in her car seat, but Isaac was satisfied to help push even though he wanted to ride as well.  
So, off we went.  We shopped among the racks of donated riches and found nearly everything we were hoping to find.  Isaac played hide-n-seek underfoot and Piper drifted in and out of peaceful sleep.  Oh the joys of discounted shopping!  But as we finished up, and were headed toward the homestretch, something caught my eye.  A few throw pillows marked $1.99!  What a deal!  
As I turned to gaze upon the beauty of such a bargain, Isaac decided to stand on the cart in order to hitch a ride to the checkout.  However, he chose to stand along the side of the cart instead of his usual position up front.  No sooner did I utter the words, "Buddy, that's not a good place to stand," when the cart FLIPPED!  
Piper was hurled through the air and tumbled to the ground still harnessed in her car seat.  Isaac lay pinned underneath the weight of the cart, screaming like perhaps he severed an appendage.
As several onlookers approached, I assessed the damage by scooping Piper up and placing her right-side-up.  She was a bit dazed but not damaged.  By then, a kind lady had freed Isaac and I managed to peel his body off the floor.  He wailed for a slightly inappropriate length just to allow everyone the privileged to share in his sorrow, but after careful inspection was determined to be okay.  
With our cart thrown to the side, all of it's contents scattered about, we stood in the middle of the aisle holding each other...long enough to make him stop crying and just enough to make me start.  With a trembling "thank you, Jesus," we decided that now was definitely time to go.

Nope, it still seems pretty darn unbelievable to me.  Any story with a flying baby just feels a bit far fetched in my opinion.  I guess we'll just have to chalk this one up as another sordid saga of a stay-at-home mom and further evidence that God is good. 



1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah, I've had a moment like that recently. My younger son and daughter and I were walking down the hallway at the YMCA following their swim lessons. My daughter was running and suddenly I saw the door to the janitor's supply closet swing open toward us. Before I could say anything Kelly ran face first into the doorknob. She grabbed her face and started screaming. The janitor was horrified and apologetic. I dropped my stuff and sat down in the middle of the hallway to hold her and gradually assess damage (a black eye). It took her a few minutes to calm down (during which time I don't think I even paid attention to where my four-year-old was, although he stayed close by, thank goodness). Then, she was able to get up so we could leave. But there's always that heart-stopping moment when you're not sure how bad it is...

    Jenny (at ImperfectMommy)
