Thursday, August 23, 2012

Spare Change

New things are happening around here.  Ava has started school and Piper has begun to crawl...Isaac has learned to eat like a human boy.
Yesterday, another new thing occurred in our home.  While playing together, Ava and Issac gathered their blocks and quickly moved themselves into the office.  They then slammed the door shut.  Apparently, Piper was not playing nice.  This was their "polite" way of fending off the beast who was wrecking their toys.  A change in Piper's mobility had caused them to flee.
Piper pawing at the door.
Once you become a parent you no longer simply sit back and wait for change.  You are immersed in it.  When one phase has passed another has taken it's place.  The things that were true today will be different tomorrow.  Pants that reached the floor in January will be hitting flood stage by July.  Change is inevitable, resistance is futile.

Change and I have had a tumultuous past.  Our feud began three days before my thirteenth birthday when my father unexpectedly passed away.  At that moment, change became dangerous.  
Although I desperately wanted circumstances to change, I was scared now.  What if one small change led to bigger changes?  What if change left me feeling worse?   What if my changes cause others to suffer? What if...
So, for years I made small changes, nothing radical.  I deferred going to college.  I stayed at a mediocre job.  I didn't pursue any romantic relationships.  Things basically stayed the same.  I stayed the same.

It's a darn good thing that God isn't afraid of a little change!  With one small introduction, He changed my whole life...and it hasn't stopped changing.  I love that God wasn't satisfied with my stagnant, listless life.  I'm thankful that He allowed me the opportunity to embrace change.
You see, change has tested me, but it has also transformed me.  Among all the difficulty that change created, it has also brought forth great blessing.  It has forced me to move forward.  It challenges me to think differently and encourages me to dream.  Change is allowing God's good works in me to be revealed.  In fact, I have found that the biggest change has come from my willingness to be changed!  How's that for a change?!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your stories every day. I like how you incorporate the lessons that God teaches you though them too. I hated change before, but as a parent I am getting use to it!
